
Easy Halloween Decor You Can Make

You don't have to be a crafty witch to make DIY for your home.It's so easy it's spooky! There are so many ways to decorate for Halloween. For this article today, I'm revamping things I have in my house already that I either dislike or are on the verge of giving away; and it is so easy with my handy dandy can of spray paint. Yes, spray paint and a desire to NOT buy anything new and to just use what you have on-hand. For today's article I'm showing how to do two very easy crafts for Halloween and then I'll put them into a vingette for pictures, but these will become part of a large Halloween tablescape that I will later highlight. **Take these two things, these over indulgent and highly over-the-top opulent candlesticks (can you believe I actually liked that kind of stuff) and this dollar store 4" x 6" golden frame; usable but not loved anymore and rethink them into Halloween.** So I always save any piece of gigantic cardboard to use as a...

Forgiving Is Hard

*Forgiving, A Topic That Is Difficult* Let’s face it our relationships with each other are highly complex. We have friends and family surrounding us that all have different personalities, each one carrying different levels of pain and happiness. While I am no psychiatrist or doctor, I am a good friend and a better family member. I pride myself on listening to others as part of the reasons my situations don’t get out of control. I am, however, not a perfect human. I have had arguments and negative emotions toward others and I know that perhaps others have felt that around me too. The key, I feel, to having great relationships, whether it is with a sibling or friend or extended family member is to learn about forgiveness. I have personally learned that forgiveness is really truly letting a burden go, a weight that lifts from your shoulders, and then and only then can a healthy relationship be discovered. *How To Forgive* Most of the therapists I have come into co...

Keto Journey & Cream Stuffed Peppers Recipe

*Keto Journey & Cream Stuffed Peppers Recipe* The Ketogenic Lifestyle is based on a high fat and low carb diet. When I started this plan, it was to one, simply lose weight and then two, to find a greater ease into fitness. I have lost weight while on this diet lifestyle, but it is hard to maintain. I use that line for all the, oops…I ate that birthday cake and chicken nugget mess ups…because to err is human, and well that I am! But I get right back on to the keto bandwagon and chalk up my mistakes to that fact that maybe there wasn’t anything available for me to eat, which surprisingly happens all the time. Precovid19 there were so many gatherings, weddings, birthdays and dining out that the menus should just be printed saying, which carb ladened thing do you want? I do now see so many companies and small businesses bringing the Ketogenic lifestyle to the forefront. In A Nutshell This lifestyle is very doable. Don’t give up if you haven’t seen results; ...

CBD Oil and My Dog Sassy's Referral Code

  Sassy The Yorkie the new Instagram Queen *This post contains affiliate Link* CBD for Dogs Just like for people, there are now pet products that either contain or are comprised of CBD oil. While the jury is still out on the true and long term effects of actual pain relief or anxiety relief it provides, one thing is true for sure in dogs and in people, there are therapeutic benefits to CBD oil usage. In the case of our family doggo, Sassy, she came to us as a rescue. A rescue is an animal that was either surrendered by an owner or was removed from the animal's living condition. That's where we come in, we saw her posting on a website and knew we had to have her. Her story tugged at our hearts. Little is known, or told, of her short little 5-month history; but we do know that she was severely neglected. This could and most likely did encompass a lot of things. I know she was traumatized and we loved her immediately. She was so shy, quiet, and scared. It took this sweet girl a ye...

Making Upcycle Jewelry Craft

  One Finished Upcycle necklace My motto is is "When at first you don't see, just make it!" When I was a little girl I was an up-cycler and didn't know it. Who hasn't made Barbie clothes from other Barbie clothes, or used a mug for a small plant or given a gift that was a received gift with "enhancements" added. I also love to embellish things. Today, feeling in the doldrums because it's too hot to be outside, I decided to up-cycle a couple necklaces. I love it when I make something and I'm out somewhere and someone approaches and says wow, where did you get that necklace? Most likely I have up-cycled onto it or used parts of other jewelry to make this one-of-a-kind piece. I get to say, "I made this!". That feeling is exhilarating. (I think this is how most mom entrepreneurs start.) At any rate, if I am making a piece of jewelry for someone I might sketch the idea on paper, or if I am making something for someone special I may go and bu...

Keto Guacamole Recipe & Avocado Tips & Tricks

  Keto-Friendly Guacamole Recipe &Avocado Tips and Tricks It’s no secret that I love using fresh fruit and veggies wherever possible. Summer is coming to a close and a bumper crop of tomatoes and other veggies are coming in. So whenever I get the opportunity to cook with fresh foods, it’s my first choice. I do not like to be wasteful. I try my hardest to incorporate my purchases or freshly grown veggies into luscious recipes that my whole family will enjoy. Undoubtedly, I often purchase too many avocados, and when life gives you too many avocados, everyone knows you make guacamole! Avocado Tips and Recipe Tricks Here are just some of the avocado tips and tricks that I have learned the hard way over the years because I buy way too many and have had to waste way too many. 1. When shopping for fresh fruits and veggies, don’t be shy about touching them. One can see, smell, and of course feel an avocado. If it is mushy, do not buy this one. Look also at the end of the av...

What Is Eco-Status?

Photo credit:  Green Eco-Status Consumers are shifting their views. Millions of people are changing and asking more from the brands they use. In fact, the biggest trend in all of 2020 thus far is eco-friendly and sustainable goods and services by the millions. But this has become not just about the Earth and the ability to help out our planet and resources. It has become a new buzz word that has come to the forefront, now known as eco-status. Going Mainstream Lots of businesses big and small, high-end to D.I.Y. have been introducing items such as cars that run on alternative power to clothes and shoes that are made out of recycled water bottles, and make up that not only doesn't hurt you, it's good for the environment. To own one expensive alternative eco-friendly powered car was to achieve eco-status. This to some was the epitome of staus for those wanting the "green" life. But when items appear to go mainstream, they become somewhat more afford...