Lovely Asparagus

Lovely Asparagus Asparagus is a vegetable that is often synonymous with spring. It can be found in abundance. It is considered a vegetable that prefers cooler temperatures, and usually, seeds are started in the late winter and then set out as soon as the soil is warm enough. This lovely asparagus is commonly bright green, but can be found in purple and in white, contains a lot of great vitamins and minerals for you. One spear of medium size thickness will have only approximately 3 calories and contains 0 g of these: polyunsaturated fats, monosaturated fats, cholesterol, and sodium. Here are just a few more highlights of asparagus, carbs 0.6g, fiber 0.3g, sugar 0.3g, and protein 0.4g. There’s a lot to that little medium size spear, but wait it also contains vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6, also minerals like folate, copper, iron, and calcium. While the purple asparagus has the highest antioxidant fighting power and the white the lowest, the green asparagus is widely availab...