
Showing posts with the label mallard

Nests Of Spring, Nature and Super Quick Craft

Image Spring approaches and the nests appear everywhere! Every year at my house we get a very endearing duck couple and they meander around our back lot and decide each year to sneak beneath the underhang of the fireplace. Mrs. Robin does return every year and roost amid our gigantic Colorado Blue Spruce tree. Generally, birds such as Robins, Doves, Sparrow, Cardinal, and Ducks (Mallards) will return each spring to lay their eggs. But don't be mad about this, while ducks will meander way to go and seek other ponds of life once they have roosted, the others will tweet good morning songs for you until the fall or when it gets too cold. Your home has lovingly been chosen by these birds because you offer them a safe habitat. They feel there is enough food, water, and safety here, that they are happy living among your family while raising their own. Please do not rip down their nests, they artfully gathered many little things like sticks and leaves and s