CBD Oil and My Dog Sassy's Referral Code

Sassy The Yorkie the new Instagram Queen *This post contains affiliate Link* CBD for Dogs Just like for people, there are now pet products that either contain or are comprised of CBD oil. While the jury is still out on the true and long term effects of actual pain relief or anxiety relief it provides, one thing is true for sure in dogs and in people, there are therapeutic benefits to CBD oil usage. In the case of our family doggo, Sassy, she came to us as a rescue. A rescue is an animal that was either surrendered by an owner or was removed from the animal's living condition. That's where we come in, we saw her posting on a website and knew we had to have her. Her story tugged at our hearts. Little is known, or told, of her short little 5-month history; but we do know that she was severely neglected. This could and most likely did encompass a lot of things. I know she was traumatized and we loved her immediately. She was so shy, quiet, and scared. It took this sweet girl a ye...