Avocado Oil Spray Consumer Review

Avocado oil spray Photo Credit:MaryCaliendoPhoto2020 In a quest to eat better and do better for my health, I have chosen to substitute all vegetable oils for my family and myself. We can control what we use in our own homes, although we never know what we are consuming when we make a trip to a restaurant, food truck or street fest. This is what I use for a spray for sauteing, grilling, pan roasting, and baking. I accidentally bought this one day when reaching for another type of spray. I didn't notice until I was putting things away in the pantry that I realized my mistake. As I picked up the container to read it, I realized I had heard of this before and in fact, a person I followed on Instagram uses it incessantly. In my opinion, this was a great mistake to make. What's So Special About This Not all oils are created equally. Many spray oils, including avocado oils, contain other ingredients or chemicals and additives. This particular brand is awesome because not on...