Keto Journey & Cream Stuffed Peppers Recipe

*Keto Journey & Cream Stuffed Peppers Recipe* The Ketogenic Lifestyle is based on a high fat and low carb diet. When I started this plan, it was to one, simply lose weight and then two, to find a greater ease into fitness. I have lost weight while on this diet lifestyle, but it is hard to maintain. I use that line for all the, oops…I ate that birthday cake and chicken nugget mess ups…because to err is human, and well that I am! But I get right back on to the keto bandwagon and chalk up my mistakes to that fact that maybe there wasn’t anything available for me to eat, which surprisingly happens all the time. Precovid19 there were so many gatherings, weddings, birthdays and dining out that the menus should just be printed saying, which carb ladened thing do you want? I do now see so many companies and small businesses bringing the Ketogenic lifestyle to the forefront. In A Nutshell This lifestyle is very doable. Don’t give up if you haven’t seen results; ...