Making Upcycle Jewelry Craft

One Finished Upcycle necklace My motto is is "When at first you don't see, just make it!" When I was a little girl I was an up-cycler and didn't know it. Who hasn't made Barbie clothes from other Barbie clothes, or used a mug for a small plant or given a gift that was a received gift with "enhancements" added. I also love to embellish things. Today, feeling in the doldrums because it's too hot to be outside, I decided to up-cycle a couple necklaces. I love it when I make something and I'm out somewhere and someone approaches and says wow, where did you get that necklace? Most likely I have up-cycled onto it or used parts of other jewelry to make this one-of-a-kind piece. I get to say, "I made this!". That feeling is exhilarating. (I think this is how most mom entrepreneurs start.) At any rate, if I am making a piece of jewelry for someone I might sketch the idea on paper, or if I am making something for someone special I may go and bu...