
Showing posts with the label bloggers

Dawn Powerwash Dupe

One day after eating dinner my young adult daugther was home and told me, "Mom did you know there's an easier way to do all of this scrubbing you're doing." She suggested that I go and buy a thing she called " power spray wash ". I thought this is just a lazy melennial trying to get out of doing household chores like dishwashing the old fashioned way. So just maybe these kids knew something I didn't. I went to the store and purchased the Dawn PowerWash Dish Spray.While it was slightly pricey, I did find a coupon that I could use to justify buying it. I sprayed my first casserole dish and was in love with the product. It works exactly as they say. You simply spray it into the casserole and leave it for a few minutes; adding no water into the dish. By the time I cleaned the table and loaded up the dishwasher, my burnt-on foods pan was visualy lifting! I simply rinsed all of it down the drain.While I did swipe my dish rag over the casserole beca

Fired Up About Fakers On Social Media

I saw one of my new favorite You Tubers, Chloe Morello, talking today about her frustration and actual anger about accounts in the beauty industry possibly committing fraud. She fired me up! She got me thinking and she's right, we all should be mad. All of us bloggers, You Tubers, Beauty Ambassadors, Influensters, and Freelance Writers are being taken advantage of by the infiltration of all the fake or "enhanced" accounts! Today Ms. Morello was calling the fakers out  & explaining to us how the industry works and how the fake accounts accomplish their mission. Representing a Brand is an awesome thing to land! It does help your blog to get followers, but a blog such as mine is simply more about the content than about the followers. But even content driven accounts like mine enjoy a haul or swag in exchange for a shout-out, an organic post about a really great product, or a true and honest review. It is hard to grow in this business unless you are consistent an