Hot Cocoa Bar and Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe

HOLIDAY TRADITIONS I have found over the course of my four children growing up, we've not only passed on family traditions, but we have created many of our own. We make a very big deal out of meals. We, in fact, highlight them especially Christmas meals and treats. Christmas mornings usually are filled with presents and laughter, and then, of course, a lot of eating. We would let our kids when they were little, pick something that they loved the most to be included in their "big breakfast" on Christmas. Usually, the kids wanted donuts, coffee cakes and of course cinnamon rolls. So naturally, I did include an assortment tray of pastry, and they were delighted. But they grew up, became teenagers, and now adults, their tastes change and we suddenly were now including hot cocoa into our morning. The little ones "big breakfast" now also became brunch. Hot Cocoa I also have three grandchildren now and made really wonderful homemade "crockpot' hot coc...