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Pain and Ways To Ease Symptoms

The Pain Scale Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience and symptom of an underlying condition. But experiencing pain can be your friend. Why?  According to Psychology Today, it is the "body's wake-up call" to pay attention and to reactivate the body sense. We are at attention when we feel the slightest pain. It does call us to perhaps stop lifting items the way we were or to understand the limitations of how many times you can walk the stairs due to your "bum" knee. Pain is a subject that would/could take an unlimited amount of articles to even begin to understand the subject matter. Each person may experience something different depending on the underlying cause/causes or diseases and course of treatments or approaches or lack thereof. It Affects Everyone Pain affects everyone at some point in their lives. Pain, whether it be chronic or acute will affect some 87 million people each year in the United States. That sounds