
Showing posts with the label besafe

Deadliest Record-Breaking Cold Weather Is Dangerous

Photo Credit: Today's post is in response to the dangerous cold and record-breaking weather that is upon approximately 110 million people! I am currently one of those people in the path of this polar vortex weather, and I am not happy. Midwesterners are tough, rugged and live through a lot of weather extremes, however, what is predicted to come for the next two days is just dangerous. A little less than half of the North American continent has an extreme weather forecast right now and in the next week or so. My area tomorrow is predicted to be in the -50 (negative temps) to possible -60's !. The sub-zero temps are here already, but tonight and tomorrow will be excruciating! A meteorologist at the Weather Prediction Center is passing along information right now telling the American public the exposed skin in that kind of extreme will take only a matter of seconds to frostbite and cause hypothermia. According to the Mayo Clinic   (see  their defini