
Showing posts with the label pretty

Fall Glimpses of Beauty and Strength

"Fall winds, leaves of gold tumble leaving bare the tree; Unearthing her strength." Mary Caliendo Do you love the change of seasons as I do? Are you baring your strength? Who knows what paths we may take, who knows how long and winding they may be...just push on even if it is an extremely small thing. You have no idea how strong you may be until you're made to prove it. It may be tiring and challenging, but at the end of the day you will acheived the strength that you needed. Continue to focus on your authenticity and it will lead to this path. You, like the tree, have strength that underlies beneath your leaves.

Bring Nature In, Bring Art Into The House; Easy Craft

I meant to file this in early February, but I had forgotten about it so here is a quick project.  Gather sticks from fallen winter branches,  arrange like flowers ( here I gather large enough hand fulls that it fit pretty snuggly in the vase.  I like using sticks in the winter,  they add some depth and color.  If you have dogwood in your yard they are fabulous for color. Sometimes leaves are still attached!  I simply arranged,  then wrapped a colorful tasseled rope around and that was it! My lit niche measures 4 feet by 3 feet,  so most everything has to be somewhat large for this area.