Frayed Hem Jean Skirt Easy No-sew Wardrobe Update

Thrift store skirt purchase I'd love to be on the cusp of fashion-forward all the time, but frankly, I'm not so sure one could afford to be all the time. I also think that trends change so quickly, it is sometimes near impossible to keep up with them, and finally, I don't need to tell you how much clothing and shoes cost. Of late I have been perusing the aisles at the GoodWill store in my area. Shop Till You Drop I often times will come away with a full bag of clothing, and there are times when I will come away with nothing at all. My own clothing journey has been interesting, I have lost quite a bit of weight and literally had only a few items that fit! When you go shopping in thrift or resale and consignment shops, you might even find items with the manufactures tag still attached! Most likely this item was bought and never worn, and like many of our own closets, we have this item hanging in there too! (Could be time to purge out your closet?) This year a lot...