Magnolias In My Kitchen Very Simple Flower Centerpiece

It's a very cold January day and not one glimpse of the sun is to be had. The ground is covered in snow and now there's even freezing drizzle/rain to add into making this a long winter's day. There's only one thing you can do is to bring warmth in, by way of flowers. I have these two magnolia stems sitting right near me, One has three blooms on it and one has two. They feel bright and remind me of summer. Those warm days where the car windows are down and the Grateful Dead are playing Sugar Magnolia on the radio. And the only thing you can do is wave your arms out to feel the breeze while you're singing the song! A lovely flower centerpiece will liven, brighten and warm my room. So I gathered a few things: the two magnolia stems Some dried green moss, that I use often, it truly makes me think of spring and summer with its very vibrant green and even brown sticks! 2 very large bell-shaped dimpled glass containers, graduated in size the large ...