Photo credit: marketingtechnews.net |
Green Eco-Status
Consumers are shifting their views. Millions of people are changing and asking more from the brands they use. In fact, the biggest trend in all of 2020 thus far is eco-friendly and sustainable goods and services by the millions. But this has become not just about the Earth and the ability to help out our planet and resources. It has become a new buzz word that has come to the forefront, now known as eco-status.
Going Mainstream
Lots of businesses big and small, high-end to D.I.Y. have been introducing items such as cars that run on alternative power to clothes and shoes that are made out of recycled water bottles, and make up that not only doesn't hurt you, it's good for the environment.
To own one expensive alternative eco-friendly powered car was to achieve eco-status. This to some was the epitome of staus for those wanting the "green" life. But when items appear to go mainstream, they become somewhat more affordable and way less important as an eco-status item.
Why Is This Bad
The planet can only be the winner here, right? This cannot be bad having people desire things that greatly help the planet and the environment. Well, when we mix people with items and the staus one thinks they achieve can be a heady mix.
Photo Credit: GreenTechMedia.com
Photo Credit: Unknown Pinterest
In other words, the fancy electric car became an eco-status symbol, and those who owned one were instantly elevated a rung higher than those who did not or will not ever own one. These people are considered "eco-shamed".
Environmental Activism
The protection and sustainability of the planet should remain at the forefront. It seems though, environmental activists will suddenly take this eco-status shaming thing to a higher level. It is good to report on a business that is say polluting the air or a nearby river, and one should never report anyone who it is not causing harm; this is not just.
Use of Social Media
All segments of social media platforms, such as the big three of Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have been used in the commission of reporting bad behavior by the general populous as well as big business. Things seen are waste and litter on public beaches, Federal Parks, and other natural habitats. Things used are still pictures, before and after pictures, video, and the immediate reporting by the armchair journalist.
Photo Credit: digitaltrends.com |
Vigilantism Vs. Activism
Some groups are using face to face confrontation and otherwise vigilantes, which is not activism. One should never confront a person for, for example, picking flowers in a federally protected park. The results of that may not turn out so well, and we do know that eco-shaming them on-line could go viral, but again this is not the answer. While this person may not realize that he or she shouldn't be picking the valuable "resources" of the park, instead, look for signage or brochures and other literature. When you cannot find it, then activism is next.
Activism means to affect political or social change. Being eco-active is to petition for the cause, writing letters to officials, boycott, march, or rally. While always by keeping the issue in the forefront of thought. Our environment and the sustainability of it are an important cause. It should not be held hostage for some type of eco-status. An effort made to help the planet is great, eco-shaming is not. Great activism affects change in society and it is for the greater good for all.
Some resources for you to help are:
Earth Day Network
(A global movement)
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