Wash Your Make Up Brushes

I cannot tell you how many times I have written an article regarding the cleanliness of makeup brushes. I will give you three guesses and the first two do not count, on who is the number one violator of her own words, that's right, me! Oh it's awful, because I get busy and like everyone else I forget to do it. I have sensitive skin and light to moderate rosacea so I am a prime example of those who can get skin irritation from filthy brushes. The brushes will not even apply makeup correctly if they are corroded and filled with makeup that is built up over time! There is a huge amount of bateria that will naturally also build up on your brushes from skin cells and pollution that is naturally or un naturally found on your skin. **Look how dirty mine are** Especially that sponge applicator, By the way they truly are disposable and if they start to shred or come apart, they definitely need to be tossed. Now a lot of the top makeup gurus and dermatoligists say to wash make up br...