Mediterranean Summer Salad

Do I have a super easy and very low-key recipe for you. This is fresh from your garden or local farm stand or farmer's market and then right to your table for the freshest and tastiest salad for summer. Our family has long made this type of salad that can be known by various names like the simple summer salad, or chopped veggie salad. This salad is closely related to the Greek Salad, however, this salad contains no letttuce. This salad is so versitile one can adjust to likes and dislikes and adjust ingredients and dressings. If you do have a garden by all means please use your cucumbers, tomato, and green peppers in this salad. Delicious! For our family the salad ingredients for this recipe we chose were: *1 large cucumber ( chopped into 1/2" pieces) *1 tomato chopped (chopped into 1/2" pieces) (*can use 1 pint of cherry/grape tomato sliced or not) *1 medium green pepper (cut into thin strips) (*can chunk them if so desired) *About 1/2 red onion sliced very t...