Your Skin Beauty

By Mary Caliendo Your Beauty is skin deep. Here's a small guide for your skin through the stages and ages of your life. In your teens and early 20's it is very important that you take care of yourself. As with everything in your future, your health and your beauty starts early. When you are young and looking into the mirror, you don't immediately see a 50 year old self looking back at you. But your old bad habits will show up when you are older, and unfortunately it will show up on your face. In this age category you will get pimples here and there, or you will get acne. In your young teens and 20's your glands just overproduce oil and thus pimples. Please don't use harsh chemicals to zap them, your skin is delicate at this time and will not need those harsh very adult remedies . Instead, use gentle washes at bedtime, and apply a moisturizer. Look for a lotion that contains an SPF of 15 or above. Make sure also that it contains UVA and UVB sun protect...