Book Giveaway

****UPDATE**** I had extended the contest and it now will run through 12/17/18! Still low entries! Put in if you want this book!*****I'll be running a giveaway for a free book on my Book Reviews site starting tomorrow 12/5/18 and ending on 12/11/18. I'd love for you to all get into it. Normally the number of entries is low and your chances to win are high. The book I'm giving away is a brand new paperback entitled Ready Player One By Ernest Cline This past summer this book was adapted into a blockbuster movie that was directed by Steven Spielberg. Huffington Post called this book "The Grown-Ups Harry Potter." The author Ernest Cline is a screenwriter and a spoken-word artist. He lives in Austin Texas. Surprisingly, this blockbuster was his debut novel!! How about that for an emerging author! Please go to *highlight and click right (whitelist me in fact!)...