
Showing posts with the label cope

Holiday Loneliness And Coping With It

Photo Credit: Holiday Loneliness The holidays bring together family, friends and a boatload of stress, the blues, and even isolation. This can be attributed to many reasons. First, we have our own personal expectations, and those people around us help to contribute to the continued pressure and less-than feelings. Everyone is different and everyone is different in different stages of their lives. Levels of Expectation Different stages of our lives bring different feelings. Happiness is gauged by feeling. Examples can be anything from becoming a new empty-nester, to suffering a loss of a loved one near to you. You are considered vulnerable during times such as these. These, however, may be brief in nature or have even varying degrees of loneliness associated with them, But interestingly most psychologists agree that another level of loneliness can be associated with your personal self-worth or self-esteem. Definitions A simple Oxford dictionar