A Crafty Welcome

A Crafty Welcome! Nothing says welcome to my home more than a sign saying it! Here’s a D. I. Y. welcome sign that I started after attending so many craft shows and upcycle fairs, and saying to myself, “Gosh, I really could make this!” I have a severe case of procrastination at times, but on this occasion, I stuck to my guns and said I’d do this project. My original intent was to just white-wash some kind of found board and then stencil the word welcome on it and stick it out on my porch. But this project felt so flat and it seems that everyone had this sign. As I thought about the project my new desire for mixed media arts reared its head. I wanted a three-dimensional image. So I started to look around for things that would form the letters. I went to Home Depot with my husband one day. On an end-cap to one of the aisles was an open flooring carton. It contained grey wash slat boards for flooring and some were already missing. I took just one (I should’ve taken more) up...