What is a DIY Compressed Mask & PINCH ME Group

What's a Pinch Me? I belong to a group that reviews samples of products for free and once you create a profile you can begin to receive notice for products. The products can be of food,beauty,health,or lifestyle related. I'll provide my referral link at the end of the article if you'd like to sign up. Everything is free except your time. I recently received a DIY Compressed mask from the Pinch Me group, and frankly I wasn't sure what they were. I decided to share this article after doing research since I was also asked by another person if I had heard of them. Simply put a DIY Compressed mask is an individually wrapped cellulose "paper" facial mask. This mask when soaked in your favorite "facial recipe" expands. One will then very slowly peel it apart and apply it to your face for skin treatment. These facial compressed masks can be purchased individually wrapped in bags of 50 or 100 for relatively cheap; I've seen them for $3.00 up to ...