Clean Your Toothbrush Holder

DID YOU KNOW? Did you know that most people overlook cleaning their toothbrush holder when they are cleaning their bathrooms? Did you know that toothbrush holders harbor a great breeding ground for bacteria? Photo Credit: Many scientists have run tests and found out that your toothbrush and its holder can harbor over 100 million germs! In fact, it is among the the top ten in contanination in the bathroom! Some of the germs may be overall harmless but things like mold, yeast,staph., e-coli, and coliform are found and these can make you sick. There are very simple ways to remedy the problem. One needs to clean it. It has been recommended that the holder itself should be cleaned at least 3x per week. The Bacteria is air-born and we can't see it, and it can spread liberally around if not addressed. It's so easy to clean your toothbrush holder with these simpe steps. First take apart the holder if it comes apart. Use soapy water to clean in all the spac...