
Showing posts with the label balance

Hiatus Burn Out

Flowers from my patio. Photo Credit: MaryCaliendoPhoto2019 Sorry I've been missing for a short time. I took an unexpected hiatus. My middle son got married, and not only was I completely and busily happy~ I discovered a feeling of being burnt out! So I took a deep breath and I literally smelled the flowers! We have been deluged by rain and thunderstorms and it enabled me to catch up with myself and reevaluate any and all of my writing and blogging goals.  I also revisited my fitness goals, and I'd like you to join me too. As with previous months and even as late as this spring I started my walk fitness and stationary bike routines. I hope I encouraged you and inspired you to join in or just create your personal fitness goals and routines. If you haven't, it's not too late to start right this minute! I just read an article about how real "burn out" is! It has been reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) that  Burn Out had become an official me

Walking is Beautiful Fitness

  "Walking is one of the most powerful things we can do to improve our health. It's easy, accessible, and affordable to almost everyone."  ~Us Embarking on a new fitness or exercise program can be daunting. If you haven't worked out for awhile, or have physical limitations, or have never worked out before; walking can be for you.  There are so many benefits to walking, like improved strength and balance, low-impact on joints, a cardio benefit, improves lung function and oxygen intake, gets metabolism moving thus, improving our overall health.  The Arthritis Foundation endorses a "Walk With Ease" program. It is designed to Increase balance and strength and your overall wellness. If you can find this guided walking program, for an extremely low fee you can enjoy benefits and even happiness as you become involved.  Many towns and cities across the United States have been given Grants to help start up and fund a "Walk With Ease" Pro