Switch Out The Bad Ingredients

There is so much unnecessary sugar in items such as condiments for example, as well as other not so good for you things. People that struggle with health issues and people who are interested in what types of ingredients are in their favorite condiments are shocked when they actually read the labels! Here is a great quick guide on label reading: (see picture below) I find that once I started doing it, it became like second nature. I pick up an item in the store and the first thing I do is read the label. The companies have gotten the message of late, that people are not going to buy things that they think are "bad" for them or the ingredients do not coinside with their specific desired dietary needs, so they have been slowly illiminating them. Now those with a lactose intollerance or allergy for example, can find alternatives. This is great for everyone. I have personally been ketogenic for the longest time and I have been able to maintain my weight and my tummy feels well ...