Quick Thanksgiving Mantle Decoration

Here's an easy craft project to get you in the holiday mood; that is not only quick to do, it is also very beginner level friendly. This project involves no sewing, no hot glueing, and no spray paint! Yay! If you are like me the holidays come up so fast and cooking while decorating can and will leave you exhausted. For this post today, I'm thinking of all the things i'm grateful for and realizing that I am thankful and blessed to be surrounded by family and friends. I hope you are surrounded by this as well. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays; I love the simplicity of family and good food. My simple project involves things you have on-hand. *Remember to always shop your own home before you buy something. Chances are you may have something right there that you'll be able to change into decor you had not thought of. I have these three hanging wooded tags that I hang from lamps or doorknobs or vases. I've had them for years and years. I think I paid $1.00 for...