Sweet Treat For Your Keto Valentine

Keto Valentine Goodie One of the hardest things for me to do was to kick my love of sweets and sugary foods. Until I started my journey into the keto lifestyle, I never imagined myself rejecting the taste of a processed birthday cake or a fancy homemade brownie, but now that I am going into year 2 embracing low carb; I just don't have that sweet taste bud anymore. I will not say that in two years I have not "cheated" because I have, but then after I did I sorely regretted it, not because I thought I would get ill, or gain ten pounds, but because it was awful. The nasty sugary taste lasted in my mouth for many hours after. Then I also noticed how much sugar was in so many things; and mostly unnecessary so as well. I will say one thing for the keto lifestyle it has taught me to read labels and learn that sugar is the number one disguised ingredient. So treat yourself or your keto sweetie to a chocolate fat bomb. For this recipe, I used my normal plain peanut bu...