Deconstructed Denim

Denim has come a long way, or has it? Maybe what's old is new again. Is it trendy? Isn't fashion always somewhat trendy? It was, even back in the 1970's you know those hippies were doing it then, creating fashion by deconstructing the denim they were wearing. In the days when I grew up, money was harder to come by and the availability of jeans was so-so. Most everyone grew up with "Levi's" as the leader in jeans ware. They were limited to a few styles but had an ungodly amount of sizes. So needless to say most everyone gals and guys alike owned a pair of them. Then, enter a few designers that were in the more expensive department stores and voila! you had the whole low down on jeans. Back in the day you actually got holes in the knees of jeans from being outside, and the wear-through spots came from literally wearing them every day! And finally, we put patches on them and walked on the hems as inseam sizes were limited. (I think this article will most lik...