Hello Activated Charcoal Toothpaste Review #brushhappy

I wanted to jump on real quick and let in on my latest review. I used Hello Activated Charcoal Toothpaste for two weeks and I did really like it! It tastes well and doesn't have that huge chemical taste as other pastes do. I thought that it did clean my teeth very well and even whitened them natually without that bleachy kind of look of all others. I am glad I was able to participate in this reivew. I give this a full 5 stars for the products effectiveness, and ease of use. One point as noted from my funny picture below, is you do have to get used to the black look in your mouth! *****NOW THATS A SILLY SELFIE***** But if you are looking for "cleaner" type products I'll share a link down below with you. (I receive no endorsement from this mention) Contains No flouride, and had coconut oil, and mint in it.It contains no sulfates,no peroxide,no artifical sweeteners, and no dyes. This producat and all the other oral care products are never tested on animals. You shou...