Quick Christmas Chocolate Pretzels

I hope you're beginning to enjoy your holiday season, and that you are completely done with your Christmas shopping! Now we move on to phase two, the cooking stage. This stage is where one downshifts gears and brings the festivities home. If you're like me you may be hosting the dinner too~ good luck and take a deep breath. P.S. it's ok to ask for help. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I have done a great job delegating! For the first time I "downsized" my dinner and asked guests to bring something. It was a good feeling to feel less burdened. It will be a great and memorable dinner still yet. While I have others bringing desserts, I still wanted to make goodies and cookies. So I made batches of traditional cookies and lots of things covered in chocolate! Here's a quick recipe for Chocolate covered pretzel rods. You'll need: *Chocolate melts or almond bark *Pretzel rods *sprinkles/ small candies (optional) *Waxed paper *cookie sheet *a ...