Cyclo Cobra Wireless Earbuds Review

MaryCaliendoPhoto2019 Here's a quick review of the Cyclo Cobra Wireless Earbuds, and as everyone knows I'm not the world's greatest Tech or electronics guru. As much as I try to stay in the loop, the majority of the time I'll ask someone nearby like a teenager or a husband for help. So anything Bluetooth or wireless in general seemed to be way out of my expertise field, but it appears that my fear prevented me from even trying anything new. So whenever it had a wire attached to it or a book of instructions, I immediately just asked for help. Over the years as I dabbled more in the technology sector the products became easier and easier to figure out on my own! How about that?😃 So for this product, I tried to sync it first and ask questions later! The first step charging the earbuds = easy! Once charged I moved to the second step which was to sync them using Bluetooth to my phone, I turned on Bluetooth and found the name and then it was synced. Again, easy...