Can You Catch A Virus Trying On Make Up Samples?
In recent news, a woman is suing a make-up chain store because she claimed that she caught Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) when she sampled lipsticks with a beauty associate in the store. She brings her suit for many reasons. She missed many days of work, costing her thousands. She also claimed that the store didn't have proper hygiene and did not follow their own protocols.
So here's the low down...... can you catch that? Yes! Yes, you can, in fact, catch the above-mentioned virus as well as a host of many more!
First things first, be vigilant at all times, making sure you or the beauty associate uses a disposable tube or swab to apply your sample of lipstick. In the particular case mentioned above, the person could not prove that the virus indefinitely came from that application; still, it was probable. The Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 can live on a surface for several minutes and up to one week, thus it is possible to transfer it to another person from that tube of lipstick.
Some ways that you can help yourself from actually contracting something like this is:
-Abstain all together, instead, test on the inside of your arm and see if you like it, then purchase only a brand new tube of lipstick.
-Make sure that if you do test on your lips, that you have no chapped lips, cracked lips, or a sore yourself. When your lips are in any of these conditions you welcome a virus to get in easily.
-Make sure that the beauty sales associate does use the proper techniques when doing samples with a client, this also includes face powder, eyeliner, mascara, and combs (eyebrows). She should have a myriad of disposables at her/his ready. They are disposable tubes, swabs, cotton balls, cotton pads, spoons, brushes/combs, and spoolies. (for mascara). These beauty associates have been trained in all the proper techniques. Please also report those that do not follow protocol.
Final last words: - Conjunctivitis, better known as pink-eye can also be contracted from mascaras and eyeliner, and eyeshadow.
Other things that one can contract from sampling without proper procedures being met are E-coli, Staph, and Klebsiella Pneumoniae. The last two being quite dangerous.
-pots of cream or other potted make-up, never stick the fingers into the samples and then onto the skin, please use a disposable spoon here as well.
-And lastly, no matter how close you are to your girlfriend or co-worker please don't share!

WebMd picture source
*Please seek any medical advice from a doctor, this post is not designed to diagnose or cure anything. This post is designed to bring you the latest information.
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