
Cusa Tea Tasting

Today I hosted an in-home tea tasting for my family. A tea tasting is where a professional or enthusiast tastes types of tea to determine the tea's components. Sort of like a "flight of tea". I was given a sample of Cusa Tea from The Daily Goodie Box. Cusa Tea is an instant tea, that has no steeping time. I am also a tea editor for at least 11 years with on their subchannel Food & Drink. I have authored tea articles, edited and run the forum there. Organic English breakfast, Oolong, and Mango green tea A tea tasting is a skill, while I have no license or certificate, I do have a skilled palate. I like and drink tea. Now, I most likely could not tell you down to the region these teas were grown, like some, but I can judge the important parts of tea with the education and knowledge I do have. A tea tasting depends on controlled conditions. I will judge and taste this tea based on the directions of the manufacturer and the single tea kettle of fr

Tiger Balm Active Pain-Relieving Muscle Spray Review

Tiger Balm Active As a Lifestyles blogger, I often come across products sent to me either for personal use or to try for a fair and true review. I am part of many review groups that often get sent new products as well. Today I'm reviewing the topical pain relieving analgesic muscle spray   Tiger Balm Active. I previously discussed in my article on pain, how everyone at some point in their lives will experience some type of pain. I am an active participant in exercise. So this review is a perfect match for me as I am active as well as experience osteoarthritis in my knee. This pain reliever is an OTC (over the counter) drug and does not need a prescription to use. One should always ask their doctor if it is okay to use this medication BEFORE using. This medication was designed by Tiger Balm to be used by individuals who are active. Their website tells the consumer that they have been in business for 100 years and that they sell their products in 100 countries

BEAUTY IS A BEAST THING: Deadliest Record-Breaking Cold Weather Is Dangerou...

BEAUTY IS A BEAST THING: Deadliest Record-Breaking Cold Weather Is Dangerou... : Photo Credit: Today's post is in response to the dangerous cold and record-breaking weather that is upon approxi...

Deadliest Record-Breaking Cold Weather Is Dangerous

Photo Credit: Today's post is in response to the dangerous cold and record-breaking weather that is upon approximately 110 million people! I am currently one of those people in the path of this polar vortex weather, and I am not happy. Midwesterners are tough, rugged and live through a lot of weather extremes, however, what is predicted to come for the next two days is just dangerous. A little less than half of the North American continent has an extreme weather forecast right now and in the next week or so. My area tomorrow is predicted to be in the -50 (negative temps) to possible -60's !. The sub-zero temps are here already, but tonight and tomorrow will be excruciating! A meteorologist at the Weather Prediction Center is passing along information right now telling the American public the exposed skin in that kind of extreme will take only a matter of seconds to frostbite and cause hypothermia. According to the Mayo Clinic   (see  their defini

Magnolias In My Kitchen Very Simple Flower Centerpiece

It's a very cold January day and not one glimpse of the sun is to be had. The ground is covered in snow and now there's even freezing drizzle/rain to add into making this a long winter's day. There's only one thing you can do is to bring warmth in, by way of flowers. I have these two magnolia stems sitting right near me, One has three blooms on it and one has two. They feel bright and remind me of summer. Those warm days where the car windows are down and the Grateful Dead are playing Sugar Magnolia on the radio. And the only thing you can do is wave your arms out to feel the breeze while you're singing the song! A lovely flower centerpiece will liven, brighten and warm my room. So I gathered a  few things: the two magnolia stems Some dried green moss, that I use often, it truly makes me think of spring and summer with its very vibrant green and even brown sticks!  2 very large bell-shaped dimpled glass containers, graduated in size the large

Always Live #LikeAGirl – Watch how Always fights to #EndPeriodPoverty

I support companies that do good in the community. Sometimes it's donations like this that can make all the difference in the life of someone. It is things like this that no one thinks of. Thank you to Always for stepping up to the plate. There is nothing better than the smile of someone whose dignity has been fully restored. Best wishes to these young ladies in this video may they reach for the stars and achieve their dreams. #always  #livelikeagirl #endperiodpoverty

Pain and Ways To Ease Symptoms

The Pain Scale Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience and symptom of an underlying condition. But experiencing pain can be your friend. Why?  According to Psychology Today, it is the "body's wake-up call" to pay attention and to reactivate the body sense. We are at attention when we feel the slightest pain. It does call us to perhaps stop lifting items the way we were or to understand the limitations of how many times you can walk the stairs due to your "bum" knee. Pain is a subject that would/could take an unlimited amount of articles to even begin to understand the subject matter. Each person may experience something different depending on the underlying cause/causes or diseases and course of treatments or approaches or lack thereof. It Affects Everyone Pain affects everyone at some point in their lives. Pain, whether it be chronic or acute will affect some 87 million people each year in the United States. That sounds