Happy New Year~New Exercise Goals
Photo Created by MaryCaliendoPhoto2021
Happy New Year 2021!
It's a new year and there are new goals to set. Every year many people will make resolutions. Many of these will go every year uncompleted because they were set way too high for the person to even obtain to begin with. So why not start 2021 with a clean slate? Restart where you left off in 2020 by making your original goal one for this year, or scrap that entirely by making a smaller goal.
Resolve to be Healthy~
This might sound vauge but it is easier than saying I will train to run a full marathon. In other words, for example you want to become more organized, you don't do every single drawer in the whole house in a weekend, but you may take one drawer a day and add that to your already existing schedule.
Adding in Healthy Habits
Start with getting great sleep, adding in antioxidant tea, drink more water, eating cleaner and also adding in exercise. I have been researching what the best exercises are for those that are over 50, or fifty and fabulous, exercises that include low impact and at least 30-40 minutes in length at least 3 times per week. Exercise helps to stave off different diseases and helps to improve your metabolism to keep and prevent them from even happening to begin with. I hope that you'll join in with me as I list a little exercise regime below for those who are 50 and over. These exercises below are using your own body as resistance. When you are confident, you can work your way up to adding ankle weights for legs and dumbells for the arms.
I'll add these also to our exercise page; where you are also invited to visit and even pair up with me as a reminder coach or an acountability partner. Ask questions here or email me in private if you have concerns.
Email is: beautyisabeast13@gmail.com Don't forget to sign up (subscribe) with your email up above to receive my posts in your email; you'll get to hear all that's happening before anyone. So check out the "little exercise plan" below, join in, chart your progress, let me know how it's going.
Create change, But don't forget to dream! Start today! More to come.
*16 Healthy Habits List and Fireworks Photos were obtained from Pinterest: both unknown authors.
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