Kindness Rocks

KINDNESS ROCKS I’m on a Mindful journey and healing/mending takes on a whole new perspective whether you set out to be kind or kindness happens by accident. As I journey through mindfulness, I find that you can pass on hope and inspiration to others and by doing simple acts of kindness they will help to heal you. You will be helping to cause a ripple effect in the universe and you’ll get this feeling because you’ll realize that it is so much bigger than ourselves. I recently got caught being kind and someone sent me a #kindawesome card, and then I was sent two KIND snacks in appreciation! So awesome and kind! You can send someone who does something kind if you go to then share your snack on social like I have so you too can pass on this kind campaign to someone else. @kindsnacks #kindawesome Thank you @kindsnacks for doing this! My take on The Kindness Rocks Project I love the Kindness Rocks Project! ...