
Keto Guacamole Recipe & Avocado Tips & Tricks

  Keto-Friendly Guacamole Recipe &Avocado Tips and Tricks It’s no secret that I love using fresh fruit and veggies wherever possible. Summer is coming to a close and a bumper crop of tomatoes and other veggies are coming in. So whenever I get the opportunity to cook with fresh foods, it’s my first choice. I do not like to be wasteful. I try my hardest to incorporate my purchases or freshly grown veggies into luscious recipes that my whole family will enjoy. Undoubtedly, I often purchase too many avocados, and when life gives you too many avocados, everyone knows you make guacamole! Avocado Tips and Recipe Tricks Here are just some of the avocado tips and tricks that I have learned the hard way over the years because I buy way too many and have had to waste way too many. 1. When shopping for fresh fruits and veggies, don’t be shy about touching them. One can see, smell, and of course feel an avocado. If it is mushy, do not buy this one. Look also at the end of the avocad

What Is Eco-Status?

Photo credit:  Green Eco-Status Consumers are shifting their views. Millions of people are changing and asking more from the brands they use. In fact, the biggest trend in all of 2020 thus far is eco-friendly and sustainable goods and services by the millions. But this has become not just about the Earth and the ability to help out our planet and resources. It has become a new buzz word that has come to the forefront, now known as eco-status. Going Mainstream Lots of businesses big and small, high-end to D.I.Y. have been introducing items such as cars that run on alternative power to clothes and shoes that are made out of recycled water bottles, and make up that not only doesn't hurt you, it's good for the environment. To own one expensive alternative eco-friendly powered car was to achieve eco-status. This to some was the epitome of staus for those wanting the "green" life. But when items appear to go mainstream, they become somewhat more afford

Popular CBD, Is It For Me?

Image credit: FDA.ORG What is CBD CBD is short for the word cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is the second active ingredient in cannabis. Cannabis is marijuana. Cannabidiol, (cannabinoid)  is a naturally occurring molecule in hemp. There are over 113 identified cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. CBD accounts for about 40% of the plant's extract. According to Harvard Medical, CBD is considered an essential component of medical marijuana, but it is the cousin of the actual marijuana plant and the components are derived from the hemp plant. Does CBD Get You High? In a word, "NO". Tetrahydrocannabinol, better known as THC, is the main psychoactive cannabinoid. This is what causes people to be "high". CBD and its oil is a natural compound that is rendered from the flowers and leaves of the Hemp plant and will not cause you to become "high".  CBD should not show up on a drug test. It is classified as a supplement. Supplements of CBD are to contain less 0.3% THC. *I

Crepey Skin; The Myth and The Treatments

Tissue Paper? As we age our skin becomes thin, What can we do? What is Crepey Skin? First, Crepey Skin is a term that refers to skin that has the appearance of being thin and wrinkled and often likened to tissue paper or crepe paper! This is a picture of a hard-working hand, and this hand is mine! Myth There are many myths surrounding this subject. The number #1 myth associated with the appearance of Crepey Skin is due to aging and old age. It is true that as we age our skin does change and become wrinkled and often thin as well. However, here are the facts... According to the Cleveland Clinic and dermatologists, Crepey Skin is MOST often caused by the sun. Over time, the damage from the sun is cumulative. The exposure breaks down the elastin in our skin. Elastin is a type of "fiber" that is present in our skin that allows it to stretch and return to a normal position. Like a rubberband in similarity, it moves and stretches but over time the rubberband becomes loose and doesn