Hiatus Burn Out

Flowers from my patio. Photo Credit: MaryCaliendoPhoto2019
Sorry I've been missing for a short time. I took an unexpected hiatus. My middle son got married, and not only was I completely and busily happy~ I discovered a feeling of being burnt out!

So I took a deep breath and I literally smelled the flowers! We have been deluged by rain and thunderstorms and it enabled me to catch up with myself and reevaluate any and all of my writing and blogging goals.  I also revisited my fitness goals, and I'd like you to join me too. As with previous months and even as late as this spring I started my walk fitness and stationary bike routines.

I hope I encouraged you and inspired you to join in or just create your personal fitness goals and routines. If you haven't, it's not too late to start right this minute!

I just read an article about how real "burn out" is! It has been reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) that  Burn Out had become an official medical diagnosis.  It is considered a true and definitive medical diagnosis, that can be a debilitating as depression in some cases.

I will always ask you to seek out a medical professional at all times, try not to diagnose yourself or your friends, but take heed if you are feeling any of these symptoms:

1. the feeling of energy depletion or exhaustion
2. reduced professional efficacy
3. a mental distance from your job or feelings of negativism or cynicism relating to your job.

We all go through different types of this without it being Burn Out Syndrome, but if one cannot go to work or have feelings related to stress your job is causing, and (WHO) states a "state of vital exhaustion" this is serious and one is in need of a doctors evaluation.

I recently attended a Happiness seminar and some of the talking points ring true here. (more on Happiness seminar later)

Photo Credit:
So before you can reach the Burn Out Syndrome, take a deep breath reevaluate, stop over-scheduling your self, and prioritize the most imperative things in your life and do them.  Find your own Happiness Factor and you'll most likely come out of your slump and be a more balanced and productive person. Your talents will reconnect and your passions will again be front and center.

So if you're ready to simplify your life and ready to take on fitness on your own personal level, come smell all the garden flowers with me.

Let me know if you'd like to track your fitness levels with me. I'll be your walk partner or your ear when you just want to achieve your goals and talk about them. Sign up with your email on my site to leave me a message. I'll be creating small customized fitness programs here on the blog.
Stop and really smell the flowers. Please see the New page that was added to use as a public forum and coming soon we will begin fitness goals and public groups and programs. Thanks.
Beautiful flowers
Photo Credit:


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