
Banned Ingredient

The FDA just banned an active Ingredient in this toothpaste! This ingredient is named triclosan.  It is in antibacterial hand soaps and in Colgate Total toothpaste. It is known to cause disruptions in the hormone levels and thyroid function. The makers of this brand of toothpaste convinced the FDA that it had valid anti-dental disease agents and properties. The maker has said they have the appropriate testing and results to say that it actually works for these dental/gum diseases. So the FDA gave it a pass. Why take the chance?  Use something else or use one of the many natural products out there.

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Calling all Random Acts of Kindness......

Calling for Random Acts of Kindness. If you know have experienced or have witnessed an Act of Kindness, Social Moms wants to hear about it. Social Moms has started what they call "social good initiative" at Megan Media, it's a program called #SocialMomsLetters The Social Moms group will have a different theme each month to inspire action and raise awareness. The theme of #randomactsofkindness #socialmomsletters  Please write a letter to the person/persons that helped you, what happened and how their act of kindness has affected you.  Please make a submittal less than 300 words, please use the hashtag #socialmomsletters by September 14, 2016. Social Moms will make a $10. donation to a charity, up to 10 letters each month. Please go to That's fabulous!