
The VOLO Hero: The Gentlest Hair Towel Ever.


The VOLO Hero: The Most Gentle Hair Towel Ever

I have one of these coming and I cannot wait. I have purchased a few different types of hair towels, however, they successfully failed at doing their job. They either did not stay in place, completely feel off my head, were way too heavy or even made out of shabby materials and proved to be not that absorbent or even feel apart. I stumbled upon this product in its very early Kick Starter Phase and I cannot wait to get mine!  Here's a link to get one for yourself. The Hero Hair Towel by Volo is not only beautiful it is affordable and functional and will prevent hair damage. A quick throwback to chemistry 101: Your hair is made of proteins (called keratin) bonded together. These protein-to-protein bonds are super strong! But when your hair is wet, water penetrates into these bonds, weakening them. Weaker bonds = greater opportunity for damage. Plus, the extra weight of the water stretches your hair out.  Removing water quickly and efficiently (especially before brushing or

Pickling The Last Bits of Summer With Easy Brine and Binge Watching

It's the end of August and the kids are back at school, and now you can make the most of what is left of the long hot summer days, but by yourself! Are you in the pool with the large mattress float, are you exercising with the music blaring, or how about binge-watching your favorite shows on the patio (with a huge bucket of popcorn)? Whatever you're doing, I hope that you can find your beachy waves if you want them still. Source: Pinterest For myself, I deep clean the house! So many neglected spots and dust bunnies, I've lost count. I also embark on picking the haul in the garden. My family loves pickled foods and I  have just the easiest of all pickling brine recipes. This recipe is tried and true! I have been using it for many years. It is a cold pickling method instead of the boiling canning that once was the prominent way to make pickled foods. This method uses only a few ingredients and within the week they're ready to eat. Easy Pickling Recipe (D

Amy Poehler Has The Right Idea

Quote Of The Day  Photo Credit: Pinterest Remember You shouldn't have to apologize for being a woman. Amy Poehler has it right, we need to unlearn all the things we were told and taught. You are worthy.

Warding Off Alzheimer's Holistically

Photo Credit: Over the years in my content writing, I have done a lot of articles on the subject of Alzheimer's disease, functions of the brain and ways to keep it healthy. Many things have changed, like the studies regarding the advancement of drugs, but some things have never changed. What It Is Alzheimer's is a disease that impairs memory, behavior, and thinking. The most common form is called dementia. Dementia affects things like memory, reasoning, thinking and cognitive functioning. It is a complex disease. It is characterized by the accumulation of two types of protein in the brain: Tangle (tau) and Plaques (amyloid-beta). Science is still not sure why that only 1% of people afflicted have gene relation only (meaning all genes that relate to amyloid beta production are present). Then in all other 99% of cases, amyloid and tau are associated with things like brain inflammation, vascular factors, and LIFESTYLE. Lifestyle Changes Ca

Travel Tips

  Photo Credit: Travel Tips You’re getting ready to embark on a quick weekend getaway or an out of the country month-long trip, you’re excited, but make sure you prepare in advance so that your trip will be a happy and enjoyable one all the way around. Whether you travel by air or on the rails on a train excursion, or simply take to the road in the car, here are some painfully obvious yet necessary travel tips: Using Caution As a traveler our first defense against travel crime is knowledge. The first thing one should do is especially if leaving the country, .Check on their laws, and the customs of the country you plan to visit. Take the time to understand a bit of the culture of the area. It is at least better to be informed than to be surprised in some way in a foreign land. Examples of simple things are the proper dress and salutations that may be needed. . Do not use public Wi-Fi, in many places, “tourist traps” in the United States and e

Happy 4th July

To all my family and friends, Have a safe and happy 4th of July! Old Glory